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3 Ways To Take More Inspired Action

Today I'm sharing three powerful ways to take more inspired action.  So, what does that mean? This is basically being able to take your ideas, creativity, and the thoughts that come your way and actually making them happen.

The first thing you need to do is to be completely present and in the moment.

Being in a state of stillness is one way you can do this. So, things like prayer, meditation and being calm.  You're able to actually listen and tune in to what you're feeling, what you're experiencing, what you're thinking, and be in complete alignment with yourself. 

Another way is to do the complete opposite, it's actually through movement.  So, things like dancing, exercising and moving your body can actually help you to reduce stress, clear overwhelmed, and clear chaos.  You'll feel lighter and more energized so that you can receive more inspiration and creativity in your life.  

After your present and in the moment and open to receive inspiration, the next thing you're going to want to do is to take those thoughts and ideas and start to put them into motion.  

For me, this is through journaling.  Putting your thoughts and ideas down onto paper or getting them onto a computer or your mobile device helps get things moving.  Make sure you're capturing those ideas in some way that you're getting them out there, into the world, to be expressed. 

The last step, number three, is clearing negativity.  

These are things like feelings of fear, self-doubt, insecurities, or feeling unworthy of ideas, creative thoughts, or any inspiration that's coming your way.  I want you to just put all of those negative things to the side and just keep moving forward with your ideas and letting them unfold and develop into something beautiful.  

If you can do these three steps, number one be present, fully in the moment and open to receive inspiration, number two, put your ideas into motion and start taking action towards making those things happen, and lastly, number three, clearing negativity and putting fear and self-doubt to the side and just keep moving forward, you'll be taking more inspired action.  

Action steps:

Step #1:  Be completely present, in the moment, and open to receive inspiration and creativity.  

Step #2:  Take those thoughts and ideas and start to put them into motion.  

Step #3:  Clear negativity, fear, self-doubt, insecurities or anything that stops you from taking action and just make things happen.  You've got this! 


Have you ever felt inspired to do something, had a great idea, but hesitated to move forward?  It happens to all of us.  I hope this inspires you to be more aware and in tune with your ideas and let your creativity grow.  It's already inside of you.  

What is one thing you've felt inspired to do?  I'd love to hear.  

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